Denice Frohman - Dear Straight People (SVK titulky)

Denice Frohman, poetka hovoreného slova, ohúrila divákov na "Women of the World Poetry Slam" v americkom Mineapolise s jej básňou "Dear Straight People"

Denice Frohman
2014 CantoMundo Fellow
2013 Women of the World Poetry Champion
Pôvodné video zo stránky Button Poetry

Check out more of Denice's work at:

(Tento preklad vznikol so súhlasom Denice Frohman - This translation into slovak was approved by Denice Frohman)

All rights reserved to Denice Frohman, may not be transcribed, performed, copied without written consent from author.


Dátum: 27.1.15 23:34

Autor: rozumnedovody

Dĺžka: 3:19

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